I am going to be traveling to Chicago next week for work, and while I am actually looking forward to the trip, there are a couple of things that are making me a little hesitant to go.
First, the airplane. I usually fly JetBlue, but this time going out on United, which is ok, but nowhere near as comfortable for a guy who is 6’4″ and a, shall we say, large-framed gentleman. United is especially bad, but it’s only about two hours so I can suck it up for a quick trip. One thing that is guaranteed however is that the person in front of me will lean their seat back making it impossible for me to do anything. It’s almost impossible to even read a book when that happens, and so far it has happened on EVERY SINGLE FLIGHT I have taken on United.
Another issue is eating. I will be staying at an apartment but the temptation to go to the awesome restaurants all around downtown Chicago will be hard to resist and I will end up doing that instead of cooking something back at the apartment. I know it will work out that way, it is inevitable. Chicago has far too much really good food and I am weak in the face of such awesome.
On the upside though the commute is much better, since the apartment is right across the street from the office I will be working at. So yay for sleep!